Always Content? You’re Crazy!!!

So much has happened in the past month, I’m sorry I’ve been remiss in posting on my blog!

I’m excited to say my debut novel, The Lady and the Mountain Man, is off to a good start, selling over 700 copies in its first six weeks!

God has blessed it and I’m so very thankful!

It’s been a busy year for us, with lots of ups and downs. For me, it’s easy to follow the emotional roller coaster, but I’d like to share something God’s been teaching me lately. Sometimes I can be hard-headed, so when God wants me to learn one of His truths, He often has to use lots of in-direct and very-direct object lessons.  Continue reading

Lillian Duncan – Murder, Mayhem, Mystery – Oh My!

I’m excited to introduce you to another amazing Christian author, Lillian Duncan! I love her tagline: Stories of faith mingled with murder & mayhem!  So pull up a chair, settle in with a mug of coffee or chocolate, and enjoy a behind-the-scenes chat with Lillian Duncan!

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Hi Lillian, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m very happily married, was a school speech-language pathologist for more than 30 years. I’m now retired and blessed to be able to focus full time on my writing.

Now, can you tell us a little bit about your latest release, Redemption?


Others may think Jamie Jakowski is a hero, but she knows differently.

Haunted by her past, she seeks redemption by helping others in spite of the danger to herself. However, after almost orphaning her daughter, Jamie opts to retire. When a friend needs her, Jamie agrees to one last undercover operation.

She is determined to reunite a heartbroken mother with her kidnapped son. Used to working alone, Jamie’s not happy when she’s assigned a partner. And after a failed operation and their failed romance, Enrique Rodriguez is the last person she wants to work with—ever.

To succeed, Jamie must confront her past as well as the people who want her dead.

REDEMPTION is the third and final book in my Sisters by Choice series. It brings the series full circle and gives closure for those who’ve read all three books, but can be enjoyed even if you haven’t read the others. Full disclosure demands I give a warning that you’ll probably want to read the others after you read this one!

What was your inspiration behind this novel?

Jamie is missing in the first book-DECEPTION. And in REDEMPTION, we come to learn more about Jamie and her spiritual struggles. But the main story is about a missing child who Jamie is determined to find—no matter the danger to herself.

What made you begin writing in your genre?

It’s the sort of story I love to read. Lots of suspense and lots of romance! Who wouldn’t love a book like that?

What spurs you to write? Where do your story and character ideas come from?

My love of stories keeps me writing. The ideas and characters can come from most anywhere and at any time. I never know when that next story will pop into my consciousness.

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading a story for a friend who’s asked for an endorsement. The story is a glimpse into the life of German Baptists.

Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever had a great writing idea?

On vacation! Doesn’t matter what sort of vacation. Apparently rest and relaxation is good for creativity!

Which of your characters most reflects your personality?

Maven Morris without a doubt. She’s a crime-fighting speech pathologist featured in my DEADLY COMMUNICATION series. Like me, she’s a speech pathologist, short and has Bell’s palsy. Unlike me, she’s very nosy and adventurous. That means trouble for her!

Name one crazy thing you’ve done that is sure to surprise us.

I’ve recently taken up hula-hooping as part of my exercise regime!

I love it! Is there a recognizable quality in your books, which makes them distinctly your own?

My books are sort of like the Energizer bunny–they start out with a bang and just keep going and going!

What’s one of your favourite parts about being an author? What do you like the least?

Everything! It took me 15 years to get my first contract so I love being a writer. My least favourite thing is marketing. I’m an introvert and so it’s not easy marketing myself—but I’m getting better at it.

What’s your next project?

Nowhere to Belong, the third in my Deadly Communication series, should be released early next year. Along with that I’m working on the third book in the series.

Thanks, Lillian! And did I hear a rumor that you’re doing a fun GIVEAWAY?

Yes! To celebrate the release of REDEMPTION, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card. But wait…there’s more! I always feel bad for the people who enter the contest but don’t win. So I’m also going to pick FIVE more lucky names to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Just the right amount to buy REDEMPTION! Just kidding, the winners can use it to buy whatever they wish.

So hop on over to TIARAS & TENNIS SHOES at  to enter. Leave a comment on the post REDEMPTION and you’ll be entered to win.

And now for the readers… it’s your turn to share comments, tidbits, or other questions you have for Lillian!  Just CLICK THE PINK HEART,  and leave a comment!

Coffee, Chocolate, and a Fantastic Book – Ane Mulligan is My Kind of Gal!

I’m honored to introduce you to another amazing author, Ane Mulligan! You’re going to love her eclectic humor – both here, and in her new release Chapel Springs Revival. So grab a mug of coffee, your chocolate of choice, and enjoy!

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Hi Ane, can you tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’ve had a lot of different jobs: hairdresser, legislative affairs director (that’s a fancy name for a lobbyist), drama director, playwright, humor columnist, and novelist. Those provided a plethora of fodder for my Southern-fried fiction (try saying that three times fast). I firmly believe coffee and chocolate are two of the four major food groups. I live in Suwanee, GA, with my artist husband and two dogs of Biblical proportion. You can find me on my website, Google+, Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Now, can you tell us a little bit about your latest release?

CSR Cover copy

Chapel Springs Revival is my debut novel:

With a friend like Claire, you need a gurney, a mop, and a guardian angel.

Everybody in the small town of Chapel Springs, Georgia, knows best friends Claire and Patsy. It’s impossible not to, what with Claire’s zany antics and Patsy’s self-appointed mission to keep her friend out of trouble. And trouble abounds. Chapel Springs has grown dilapidated and the tourist trade has slackened. With their livelihoods threatened, they join forces to revitalize the town. No one could have guessed the real issue needing restoration is their marriages.

With their personal lives in as much disarray as the town, Claire and Patsy embark on a mission of mishaps and miscommunication, determined to restore warmth to Chapel Springs —and their lives. That is if they can convince their husbands and the town council, led by two curmudgeons who would prefer to see Chapel Springs left in the fifties and closed to traffic.

What made you begin writing in your genre?

I love stories about women’s friendships and sisterhood. I adore my women friends, and I found my birth sisters in 2009. That story is on my website. So, it was natural for me to write women’s fiction.

Which of your characters most reflects your personality?

While Claire has a bit of me, she’s more a composite of 3 wonderful ladies, who let me borrow bits of their delightful personalities. I gave Claire my tendency to move too fast and have “accidents” because of it.

Name one crazy thing you’ve done that is sure to surprise us.

When we were young, we rode a fully chopped Harley. I rode on the back, but here’s a photo of me posing with Hubs’ chopper. Biker AneWe had gone to Lake Isabella for the July 4th weekend and camped next to the Hell’s Angels and shared our breakfast with a couple. I was shaking in my boots, but they turned out to be a nice couple.

What is your next project?

Chapel Springs Survival, the second book in the Chapel Lake series. It came from something one of our sons did—got himself a modern day mail order bride—without our knowledge until after the fact. I promised retribution, and I put it in a book. Insert a mother’s vengeful laughter here. Of course, in real life, she’s the best thing that ever happened to him.

Thanks, Ane! It was great to talk with you!

And now for the readers… it’s your turn to share comments, tidbits, or other questions you have for Ane!  Just CLICK THE PINK HEART,  and leave a comment!

Excerpt from upcoming release: The Lady and the Mountain Man

I’m so excited to officially announce my novel releasing Sept. 23rd, The Lady and the Mountain Man!

The Kindle version is available now for pre-order at First, here’s a preview of the back cover text, then at the end of this post I’ll share a sneak peek at the scene where Gideon and Leah first meet.

Leah Townsend, a recently orphaned heiress, flees Richmond after discovering her fiancé’s plot to kill her after their wedding. She needs a safe place to hide, and finds herself accepting a newspaper marriage proposal from a God-fearing young rancher in the Montana Territory. But when Leah arrives at the mountain ranch, she learns her intended husband was killed by a grizzly, leaving behind a bitter older brother and a spunky younger sister.

When Gideon Bryant finds a city girl standing in his log cabin, his first thought is to send her back where she came from. He’s lost too many people to the wild elements of these mountains—his parents, his wife, and now his brother. His love for this untamed land lives on, but he’s determined not to open his heart to another person.

But when an accident forces Leah to stay at the ranch for seven more months, can Gideon protect his heart from a love he doesn’t want? Has Leah really escaped the men who seek her life?

And now, an excerpt from the book itself. Leah has just arrived in St. Louis:

Stepping from the train, Leah twisted her head to take in the sights, but what she saw brought her up short.


She stood in front of a vast lake. Not as large as the bay in Charleston had been, but close. On the other bank, far in the distance, a city rose from the murky depths like an Irish Sea monster.

“That’s a lot of water.” The baritone voice came from just behind her, and Leah whirled to find herself staring up into the emerald eyes of a man unlike any she’d ever seen. A full beard covered his face, making it hard to distinguish most of his features. Except those piercing green eyes. He looked to be a few years older than her, but probably not over thirty. His blue work shirt was clean and pressed, and accentuated the breadth of his shoulders.

The man didn’t meet her gaze, but stared out over the water as if he were seeing far beyond. Then his comment registered in Leah’s awareness.

“Yes, I suppose it is. Do you know what it’s called? I thought we were far away from an ocean or any of the Great Lakes.”

“The Missouri River.” His voice was rich, and he still didn’t look at her.

Leah arched a brow, then turned back to study the water before her. “It’s a river? I’ve not seen one so wide. Is that St. Louis on the far shore?”

“Yep. The ferry’s loading up now.” He took a step, then motioned for her to precede him. The other passengers were moving forward, too, pressing toward the flat boat at the edge of the water.

“This way to the Wiggins Ferry,” called a man with an official-sounding voice. “Only five cents to ride the ferry across to St. Louey.”

The strong presence of the tall, green-eyed man stayed close as the crowd swept them onto a wooden pier and forward, toward a mustached man collecting fares at the entrance to the boat.

Just then, she remembered her trunks, which she hadn’t seen in several days. “Excuse me, sir,” she said to the attendant. “Will my luggage be brought across on the ferry?”

“Yes’m. You can pick ’em up at the yonder dock.”

“Thank you.” She dipped a slight curtsey and was pushed forward by the crowd boarding the boat. The rocking of the craft in the water was like being on the train again. Leah turned back to mention it to the man with the emerald eyes, but he wasn’t behind her. Why did that make her feel even more alone?

She took up a crowded spot by the rail where she could see both banks, but her eyes drifted over the other passengers. There he was, standing in a quiet corner away from the swarm of passengers pushing toward the boat’s edge. The crowd pushed in on her, too, so Leah gathered her nerve and moved toward the empty space next to the man. It was a bold move on her part, approaching a stranger she’d only just met and didn’t even know the name of. But something about him intrigued her. Maybe he’d think she was just moving to a less congested part of the boat’s deck.

Leah stepped up to the rail in the empty space between the man and an elderly couple. He turned his green eyes toward her in a nod, then gazed back over the water. He certainly was quiet.

“Are you from St. Louis then?” She infused a casual air into her tone.

“No, ma’am. Montana Territory.”

That might explain the wild aura that surrounded him. Leah wanted another good look at him, but couldn’t risk being caught staring. “How interesting. And were you visiting the East for pleasure, sir, or for business?”

“Settling my wife’s affairs.”

Leah’s heart plunged at the words, but she forced herself not to examine the reason. “Is your wife traveling with you?” She turned a casual eye to his face as she spoke.

His focus stared straight ahead. “She died.” The richness was gone from his voice, leaving behind flat steel.

Leah swallowed, her chest tightening with the effort. “I…I’m sorry.”

She swallowed again. All other words fled her mind, leaving behind the desire to reach out and touch him. Offer some kind of comfort or support. She knew what it was like to lose a parent. But to lose a spouse, the pain must be unbearable.

Before she could think of something else to say, some way to ease the somber mood that had sunk over him, the official-sounding voice called over the crowd. “Make a line, folks. Make a line an’ we’ll have ya off the ferry in no time.”

The man with emerald eyes turned from the rail and touched a hand to his hat. “Good day, ma’am.” He never once looked at her as he strode toward the line gathering at the edge of the boat.

By the time Leah found her own place in line, he was twenty feet or so ahead. As she stepped onto firm land, she watched his hat disappear into the crowd. Something inside Leah wanted to run after him.

But she didn’t move. Just stood, watching the spot where he’d vanished.

I (heart) history – Sandra Merville Hart shares the research that brings her writing to life!

I’m honored to introduce you to another amazing author, Sandra Merville Hart! She writes Historical Romance in the Civil War time period – one that’s always fascinated me.

Her latest release, A Stranger on My Land, is a great novella, and now we get to see a glimpse behind the curtain into her life. Here’s a quick look at her bio before I introduce you. Enjoy!

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Sandra Merville Hart loves to find unusual facts in her historical research to use in her stories. She and her husband enjoy traveling to many of the sites in her books to explore the history. She serves as Assistant Editor for where she contributes articles about history and holidays. She has written for several publications and websites including The Secret Place, Harpstring, Splickety Magazine, Pockets Magazine, Common Ground, Afictionado, and Her inspirational Civil War novella, A Stranger on My Land, released on August 21, 2014.  It’s available on Amazon at

Hi Sandra! For those who haven’t read it, tell us a little bit about your latest release A Stranger on My Land. I love how the cover is a sneak peek into the story!


My inspirational Civil War novella, A Stranger on My Land, released on August 21, 2014. Carrie and her little brother, Jay, find Adam, a wounded Union soldier, on their land after a battle near their Lookout Mountain home. Carrie takes Adam to the cave where her family has been hiding from the soldiers. Before long, she falls in love with him, but she can’t save his life. He requires a surgeon. Carrie weighs the potential danger of revealing her family’s hideaway with saving Adam’s life.

What was your inspiration behind this novella?

While researching for another Civil War novel, I read many biographies and diaries of soldiers from both sides. Among the surprises were many instances of families in the South living in caves for safety when the armies marched into town. The soldiers remarked about how cozy the women made these dwellings. When I discovered that some families on Lookout Mountain moved into caves, the idea for my story was born.

What made you begin writing Historical Fiction?

I love to read historical romance novels, especially when it gives natural glimpses into the way things used to be. My love for writing this type of book sprang from a love of history.

What spurs you to write?  

I actually get depressed when I can’t write. After a week’s vacation, I’m ready to get back to my current writing project. Writing feeds my spirit. I really enjoy it.

I can so relate to that! When God instills the gift of writing inside you, writing becomes part of what keeps you sane! What are you currently reading?

I have a stack of over ten books waiting for me to read. I will either read The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman by Carole Brown, A Little Bit of Charm by Mary Ellis, or The First Christmas Carol by Marianne Jordan as my next “for pleasure” read. It seems almost all of my reading is research related these days.

Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever had a great writing idea?

Some ideas have come to me just as I’m waking up in the morning. You know, that kind of half-awake, half-asleep state before you crawl out of bed. It seems the creative part of my brain keeps churning away while I’m sleeping and I often wake up with fresh ideas.

What is your next project?

My next novel will be another Civil War romance. It will be set in Gettysburg, a place that has captured my imagination. I’m planning a trip to Gettysburg to research for it. A beautiful seamstress and a war-weary soldier would never meet if not for the battle that raged outside her Gettysburg home.

Thanks, Sandra! It was great to talk with you!

And now for the readers… it’s your turn to share comments, tidbits, or other questions you have for Sandra!  Just CLICK THE PINK HEART,  and leave a comment!

Missional Romance? Jennifer Slattery gives us the inside glimpse!

I’m thrilled to introduce you to another amazing new author, Jennifer Slattery! In addition to being an excellent writer, she’s doing amazing things to reach the world with God’s heart!

Her latest release, Beyond I Do, is a terrific read, and now we get to see a glimpse behind the curtain into her life. Here’s a quick look at her bio before I introduce you. Enjoy!


Jennifer Slattery writes missional romance for New Hope Publishers, Christian living articles for, and devotions for Internet Café Devotions. She also maintains a personal blog at and writes and edits for Christ to the World Ministries, an international ministry that shares the gospel, via radio waves, with thirty-two countries.

Hi Jennifer, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a Midwestern transplant married to a handsome and hilarious railroader. We’ve got a teenage daughter that fills our home with laughter and the occasional eye roll. I love to read, have relatively little patience for movies, and believe every day must start with a ginormous amount of flavored coffee.

Now for those who haven’t read it, tell us a little bit about your latest release Beyond I Do.


I’d love to! Beyond I Do is about a pharmaceutical representative whose quest for security caused her to lose of who God created her to be.

 Will seeing beyond the present unite them or tear them apart?

Ainsley Meadow’s encounter with a woman, her child, and their abuser sparks a passion that threatens her engagement. Will seeing beyond the present unite her and her fiancé or tear them apart? Raised by a hedonist mother, who cycles through jobs and relationships like wrapping paper on Christmas morning, falls into a predictable and safe relationship with Richard, a self-absorbed socialite psychiatrist. But as her wedding nears, a battered woman and her child spark a long-forgotten dream and ignites a hidden passion. One that threatens to change everything, including her fiancé. To embrace God’s best and find true love, this security-seeking bride must follow God with reckless abandon and realize that marriage goes Beyond I Do.

Who/What spurs you to write? Where do your story and character ideas come from?

Writing very much comes directly from my relationship with God. I really believe He gives me the inspiration, and I can sense His abiding presence as I write. I especially love it when He leads me to a verse or passage that speaks hope to my characters and to me. He’s great at reaching us both at the same time!

What are you currently reading? I just finished Unplanned by Abby Johnson. Wow, that was a tough book, but also inspiring, especially the last chapter when she connected all the God-dots. It reminded me to keep doing whatever it is He is calling me to do, trusting He’s working out His eternal picture at every moment.

Is there a recognizable quality in your books, which makes them distinctly your own? Yep! I write missional romance, which means there’s always an outreach/missional angle. Because I’m all about outreach. After all, that’s the whole reason we Christians are still here, right?

I’m expecting big picture edits to come through on my second book, When Dawn Breaks, this month, so I’m excited about that. Here’s a bit about that book:

Jacqueline wants purpose and restitution, but must she relinquish her chance of love to find it?

A hurricane forces Jacqueline to evacuate. Looking to begin again—and reconnect with her embittered daughter—Jacqueline heads north. Reconciliation is hard, but she has a handsome new friend to lean on. Most importantly, she knows God is standing beside her.

When her daughter rejects her, three children abandoned by their mother open their hearts. But can God use a woman who dashed the hopes of her own child to bring hope to someone else’s? 

Thank you so much for having me!

Thanks, Jennifer! I’m glad you stopped by!

And now for the readers… it’s your turn to share comments, tidbits, or other questions you have for Jennifer!  Just CLICK THE PINK HEART,  and leave a comment!

Choose the Book Cover!

One of the most exciting parts of publishing, is getting to see the book cover! But I’m a little torn between several options, so I NEED YOUR HELP TO DECIDE!

This is for my upcoming release, The Lady and the Mountain Man, which falls into the Christian Historical Romance genre. The cover images below include both the front and back cover. Please let me know which most makes you want to read the book!

Or if you have better ideas, just leave them in a comment!









The Words are His

God’s been teaching me a critical lesson about my writing.


For a few years now, I’ve been amazed at the love God’s instilled in me for writing novels. It’s become my passion , where I can invest my energy and brainpower and every ounce of the creativity I never thought I had. Something I can work at, and be constantly learning. A place where I can strive for perfection.

But, lately God has made it abundantly clear to me that the writing is His. The words – whether they flow onto the page in harmonious magic, or whether I have to build each one from a desert of nothing.

The words are His.

What He chooses to do with them, whether they only plant a seed for one person, or whether they touch hundreds of lives. The difference these words make is His difference.

This may seem like a basic concept in the Christian life, but it is completely changing the way I approach not just writing, by every area of my life. My entire existence is to be a tool for God’s work. That took me a few weeks to wrap my mind around, but I approach things with a new perspective.

Everything I do should point to Him.

We sing a song at church with the words, “I breathe in grace, I breathe out praise.” And that’s the concept. God fills me up with his grace, so that I can pour out His praise in everything I do.

And as He chooses to bless this writing in some areas, and close the doors in other areas, it’s not my choice. These are His stories, and He has a master plan to use them in ways I may never know.


So now, I’d love to hear from you! How has God used you as His tool? How have you seen Him work in ways you would never have imagined? Here’s your chance to breathe out His praise!


Choose your favorite opening paragraph!

I need your help! I’m writing my latest work-in-progress and can’t make up my mind on the opening paragraph. Will you please tell me which you like best?

My working title is A Pony Express Romance and this first section takes place on November 30, 1860, in Ellwood, Kansas.

Option #1:

     The prick of his horse’s ears was Josiah English’s only warning of impending danger.
     His muscles tensed as his eyes scanned the roadside for whatever had the horse on edge. A rabbit about to dart from the bushes? A snake in the grass? Or a mountain lion about to strike?
     From nowhere, a rope settled around his shoulders. What? Josiah reached to pull it off, but before he could get a hand up, it jerked tight, strapping his arms to his sides. With a violent lurch, he was pulled from his horse, landing hard on the ground. The breath fled from his lungs and he pushed hard, fighting the weight that threatened to smother him.


Option # 2:

     “Don’t move, or I’ll shoot yer toes off one by one.”
      Josiah English froze.
     The rope that had settled over his shoulders tightened, strapping his arms to his sides and cinching up his chest. With a violent jerk, he was pulled from his horse, landing hard on the ground. The breath fled from his lungs and he pushed hard, fighting the weight that threatened to smother him.


 Or maybe you like a combination of these openings? Feel free to piece together your favorite intro, and leave it in the comments below. Thanks for your vote!

From Reading to Ziplining – Author Heather Manning Shares it ALL!

I’m thrilled to introduce you to another author friend, Heather Manning!

Her debut release, Swept to Sea, has been a smashing success, and now we get to see a glimpse behind the curtain into her life. Enjoy!

Heather Manning pic

Hi Heather, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi! I am a young lady who loves to read—and write. My debut novel, Swept to Sea, released in November 2013, and has been on the Amazon Bestseller list for many of the following months. I live in Kansas City, Missouri, where I eat donuts, act in community theatre, and read every Inspirational Historical Romance I can get my hands on.

Now for those who haven’t read it, tell us a little bit about your debut release Swept to Sea.

Swept to Sea is about a young woman—Lady Eden Trenton— who stows away on a pirate ship to escape marriage to an abusive man. After she is caught by the ship’s revenge-seeking captain, she grows to care for the man and his young son and finds herself questioning her original plans to achieve freedom.

Captain Caspian Archer has spent the last five years hardening his heart as he searched to find the man who killed his wife. When the young, tortured Eden Trenton appears in his hold, she may be just the thing he needs to help him realize to care for the family he has left.

What made you begin writing Historical Fiction?
I have always loved history. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to live in a different time period, so naturally, when I started reading, I almost only read historical fiction. It transported me back to the historical times that I adored. Then, when I began to write, it was only fitting that I wrote in that genre.

What are you currently reading?
I just finished reading Fair Play by Deeanne Gist and now I am starting Love Comes Calling by Siri Mitchell. Fair Play was SOOOO good!

Which of your characters most reflects your personality?
I think Eden probably reflects the most of my personality. I really enjoyed writing her. Also, she repeatedly accidentally hits her head…I think that came from me, too. LOL

Name one crazy thing you’ve done that is sure to surprise us.
Ummm…I have ziplined over huge canyons and the ocean in Mexico! Twice, actually. And I would love to do it again. It was so much fun.

What is one of your favorite parts about being an author? What do you like the least?
My favorite part is having the knowledge that somebody, somewhere where I have never ever been, somebody I have never ever met, has read my book and enjoyed it. That makes it all worthwhile. I love getting “fan” emails too. They make my days so much brighter. The thing I least like is the worry that at some point in the future I might run out of ideas and I won’t have any more stories to write…I love nothing more than constantly writing!

Thanks so much, Heather! I’m glad you stopped by!

And now for the readers… it’s your turn to share comments, tidbits, or other questions you have for Heather!  Just CLICK THE PINK HEART,  and leave a comment!