It’s a (book) Launch!

How would you like to play a huge part in the success of future Christian books?

I’m so excited about the release of my next book, The Lady and the Mountain Doctor, and I’m putting together an official launch team to help kick it off right!  

Kindle final

What exactly is this team?
So glad you asked! A launch team is a group of readers who are ready and willing (and eager!) to get the word out on the 
street about my books.

What are the perks? 
You’ll receive an early e-copy of each book, and the option to receive a signed paperback, if you’d like. You also get to provide feedback on future book cover art, the early scoop on new stories, and lots of other inside happenings!

So what’s required of the launch team? 
The single most important thing? Write a brief review for Amazon, Goodreads, and any other online review site where you’d like to post it. It only needs to be a paragraph or two!

Beyond that, launch team members can do as little or as much as they’d like. I’ve posted some ideas on my website, but the review is the biggie!

If you’re interested, just leave your info here, and I’ll be in touch!



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